Upright Fluorescence Microscope
- Florida , United States.
Model No: Axiostar Plus
Service/Test: Upright Fluorescence Microscope
Laser capture fluorescent microscopes
- Florida , United States.
Model: Lecia DM 6000
Service/Test: Laser capture fluorescent microscopes
XRD #3 Basic Diffraction (X-Ray Diffraction)
- Florida , United States.
Model No: PANalytical Empyrean #3
Service/Test: XRD #3 Basic Diffraction (X-Ray Diffraction)
- Instabul , Turkey.
Fisherbrand™ Vertical and horizontal electrophoresis
Service/Test: Electrophoresis
Veeco Atomic Force Microscope
- Ontario , Canada.
Bruker Corporation
Service/Test: Veeco Atomic Force Microscope
Precision ion etching and coating system (PECS Gatan)
- Florida , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Precision ion etching and coating system (PECS Gatan)
Illumina MiSeq Sequencer
- Ontario , Canada.
15 Gb of output with 25 M sequencing reads and 2x300 bp read lengths
Service/Test: Illumina MiSeq Sequencer
Gyratory and Marshall compaction of asphaltic concrete specimens
- Canterbury , New Zealand.
Alsphat compaction
Service/Test: Gyratory and Marshall compaction of asphaltic concrete specimens
PCR System 9700
- Cairo , Egypt.
Amplification of nucleic acids
Service/Test: PCR System 9700
Critical Point Dryer
- Florida , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Critical Point Dryer
- Califonia , United States.
Model No: VWR/1545
Service/Test: Incubator
- Califonia , United States.
Specs: Isotemp 6845
Service/Test: Incubator
Ion Microsope Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS
- Florida , United States.
Model: Cameca IMS-3F
Service/Test: Ion Microsope Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, SIMS
Dynamic SIMS System (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)
- Florida , United States.
Model: PHI Adept 1010
Service/Test: Dynamic SIMS System (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)
Telemetry system
- Instabul , Turkey.
ELISA device and
Service/Test: Telemetry system
Picarro Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer
- Florida , United States.
Model: Picarro
Service/Test: Picarro Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer
Super-Resolution Microscopy
- Melbourne , Australia.
Analysis at a higher resolution other than diffraction limit
Service/Test: Super-Resolution Microscopy
Thermal Camera
- Seoul , South Korea.
analysis of an object or scene by translating heat into visible light
Service/Test: Thermal Camera