- Johannesburg , South Africa.
Olympus BX63 OFM
Service/Test: Microscope
- Waikato , New Zealand.
Optical Activity Model AA-5
Service/Test: Polarimetry
Organ bath system
- Instabul , Turkey.
Organ bath system
Service/Test: Organ bath system
Tubular Furnace
- Queensland , Australia.
OTF-1200X-III-S-UL, Three zone tubular furnace loaded with alumina/Quartz tube (L=1000 mm, OD=60 mm), compatible with different gases such as Ar, Air, N2 etc. Max heating ramp is 10 °C/min and heating range of 300-1100 °C
Service/Test: Tubular Furnace
Tubular Furnace
- Queensland , Australia.
OTF-1200X-III-S-UL, Three zone tubular furnace loaded with alumina/Quartz tube (L=1000 mm, OD=60 mm), compatible with different gases such as Ar, Air, N2 etc. Max heating ramp is 20 °C/min and heating range of 300-1100 °C
Service/Test: Tubular Furnace
Atomic Force Microscope
- Queensland , Australia.
Park Systems NX20
Service/Test: Atomic Force Microscope
Infra-Red Spectroscopy
- Waikato , New Zealand.
Perkin Elmer Spectrum 100A Express, FTIR
Service/Test: Infra-Red Spectroscopy
Infra-Red Spectroscopy
- Waikato , New Zealand.
Perkin Elmer Spectrum Spotlight 200 FTIR with Macroscopy system
Service/Test: Infra-Red Spectroscopy
X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
- Gaborone , Botswana.
Philip PW 3710 mpd controlled with PW 1752 graphite monochromator
Service/Test: X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
High Performance Picosecond Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer
- Kafr Elshiekh , Egypt.
PicoQuant, FluoTime200
Service/Test: High Performance Picosecond Fluorescence Lifetime Spectrometer
Atomic Layer Deposition
- Sydney , Australia.
Picosun R200
Service/Test: Atomic Layer Deposition
X-Ray spectroscopy
- Sydney , Australia.
Portable XRF and Artax
Service/Test: X-Ray spectroscopy
Specialised Software
- Johannesburg , South Africa.
Quantum Espresso, Abinit, GPAW, Siesta, LAMMPS, Meep, Columbus
Service/Test: Specialised Software
Raman Microscope
- Melbourne , Australia.
Renishaw inVia Qontor confocal
Service/Test: Raman Microscope
X-Ray Stress Analyser
- Sydney , Australia.
Service/Test: X-Ray Stress Analyser
GS Junior System.
- Instabul , Turkey.
Roche´s GS Junior Sequencing System
Service/Test: GS Junior System.
Safety Cabinet
- Kafr Elshiekh , Egypt.
safe flow 1.2 m
Service/Test: Safety Cabinet
Thermal Cycler Triple Zone (PCR system)
- Kafr Elshiekh , Egypt.
Service/Test: Thermal Cycler Triple Zone (PCR system)
Ultrasonic Homogenizer
- Queensland , Australia.
SCIENZ JY92-IIN Ultrasonic Homogenizer
Service/Test: Ultrasonic Homogenizer
DNA Electrophoresis
- Kafr Elshiekh , Egypt.
Service/Test: DNA Electrophoresis