Gel Permeation Chromatography, GPCMax
- Ontario , Canada.
Service/Test: Gel Permeation Chromatography, GPCMax
Hi-Tech Stopped-flow Spectrophotometer
- Delaware , United States.
Model: NIL
Service/Test: Hi-Tech Stopped-flow Spectrophotometer
Refrigerated centrifuge
- Instabul , Turkey.
Service/Test: Refrigerated centrifuge
Deep freezer
- Instabul , Turkey.
Labtech Deep freezer -86°C,
Service/Test: Deep freezer
Laser ablation (LA)
- Florida , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Laser ablation (LA)
Gel Imaging Scanner
- Florida , United States.
Model: LiCor Odyssey
Service/Test: Gel Imaging Scanner
Stereomicroscopes with digital cameras
- Florida , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Stereomicroscopes with digital cameras
- Califonia , United States.
Specs: Electroporation System, GenePulser X cell
Service/Test: Electrophoresis
Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA analyzer
- Ontario , Canada.
Service/Test: Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA analyzer
Bruker EvoQ GC-TQ
- Florida , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Bruker EvoQ GC-TQ
Bruker Solarix 7.0T
- Florida , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Bruker Solarix 7.0T
Gas Chromatograph
- Florida , United States.
Model: Agilent 6890N
Service/Test: Gas Chromatograph
UV-Vis spectrophotometer
- Colorado , United States.
Model: Biotek Instrument
Service/Test: UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Imaging station with CCD camera
- Florida , United States.
Model No: GE imageQuant LAS400
Service/Test: Imaging station with CCD camera
Ultracentrifuge with SS34, SW32Ti, and SW41 Rotors
- Florida , United States.
Model: Beckman Coulter Optima L-90K
Service/Test: Ultracentrifuge with SS34, SW32Ti, and SW41 Rotors
Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE)
- Seoul , South Korea.
RIE-10NR. Si etching: Etch rate of >30nm/min, ratio to photoresist of 1:1 or more selective. In-water uniformity + ≤ ±5% Reproducibility ≤ ±3% Profile control ≥ 85°. SiO2 etching:Etch rate ≥ 25nm/min Etch ratio to photoresist of 3:1 or more selective. Etch ratio to Si of 5:1 or more selective. In-wafer uniformity† ≤ ±4% Reproducibility ≤ ±3% Profile control ≥ 85°. Si3N4 etching:Etch rate ≥ 50nm/min Etch ratio to photoresist of 1.5:1 or more selective. Etch ratio to Si of 4:1 or more selective. In-wafer uniformity† ≤ ±5% Reproducibility ≤ ±3% Profile control ≥ 85°
Service/Test: Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE)
Gel imaging system
- Instabul , Turkey.
Gel imaging system (Transilluminator)
Service/Test: Gel imaging system