CEM Discover Microwave Digestion System
- Arizona , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: CEM Discover Microwave Digestion System
Hydraulic Crimping Machine for coin cells
- Queensland , Australia.
Service/Test: Hydraulic Crimping Machine for coin cells
Spin Coater
- Queensland , Australia.
Dispensing of a liquid, typically photoresist, onto a substrate, mostly a semiconductor wafer, followed by spining to attain a homogeneous, defect free film
Service/Test: Spin Coater
Realtime Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Cairo , Egypt.
DNA replicator
Service/Test: Realtime Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Pillar Drilling Machine
- Anambra , Nigeria.
Drill Press ZJ5116, 3800rpm, 16mm drill
Service/Test: Pillar Drilling Machine
Turbula Mixer
- Johannesburg , South Africa.
Dry mixing of powders
Service/Test: Turbula Mixer
Rotary Evaporator
- Johannesburg , South Africa.
Drying of suspensions after milling operation
Service/Test: Rotary Evaporator
Muffle Furnace - ThermoLyne 6000
- Arizona , United States.
Model No: NIL
Service/Test: Muffle Furnace - ThermoLyne 6000
Forced dry oven
- Seoul , South Korea.
Drying, resist bake
Service/Test: Forced dry oven
Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)
- Sydney , Australia.
Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)
Service/Test: Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)
1 degree of freedom horizontal shaking table
- Seoul , South Korea.
1 degree of freedom horizontal shaking table
Service/Test: 1 degree of freedom horizontal shaking table
Kistler Multi-Component Stationary Dynamometer
- Kempton Park , South Africa.
Dynamic three-dimensional force and moment measurements
Service/Test: Kistler Multi-Component Stationary Dynamometer
- Instabul , Turkey.
· Netzsch STA 449C Jupiter Chiller
Service/Test: Chiller
Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)
- Seoul , South Korea.
MIRA3 XMH. Resolution in high vacuum mode: SE: 1.2nm at 30keV, STEM: 0.8nm at 30keV. Resolution in low-vacuum mode: BSE: 2.0 nm at 30keV. Equipped with \eds. Gun vacuum: <3*10^-7Pa
Service/Test: Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM)
E-Beam Thermal Evaporator AJA
- Sydney , Australia.
E-Beam Thermal Evaporator AJA
Service/Test: E-Beam Thermal Evaporator AJA
CIV Hall Effect System
- Johannesburg , South Africa.
Electrical charachterization of Materials
Service/Test: CIV Hall Effect System
Electrical impedance tester
- Auckland , New Zealand.
Electrical impedance tester
Service/Test: Electrical impedance tester
- Kafr Elshiekh , Egypt.
Electrical measurements
Service/Test: Electrometer